How to cancel an order?Updated 2 months ago
We understand that plans can change, and you may need to cancel an upcoming order. If that’s the case, here's what to do:
If Your Order Has Not Shipped Yet:
Reach out to us as soon as possible through our Contact Form or by emailing [email protected], and we’ll do our best to try and catch it before it gets out the door.
If Your Order Is Already On Its Way:
First-Time Purchases:
While we can’t cancel an order once it’s shipped, we’ve got you covered if this is your first time trying HeySunday’s products. If you’re not completely satisfied with your first purchase, we’re happy to offer a replacement product or refund your order, depending on the situation.
In this scenario, please know that a "first-time purchase" refers to the first product you’ve ever ordered from us, and first-time purchases of more than 2 items are not eligible for our money-back guarantee.
Recurring Orders:
For subscription orders or follow-up purchases, you’ve got full control! You can easily manage your delivery schedule through your customer portal. Just be sure to make any changes at least 24 hours before your next order is processed. Cancellations made through the portal will apply to future orders, but not to any that are already on their way.
Need More Help? We’re here to make things right. If you have questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or using our Contact Form.